I’ve never been very adventurous when it comes to sex. When I watch porn, I tend to stick with your typical vanilla action. One night I had a bit too much to drink and I was scrolling through the options online searching for something that would get my heart racing. I ended up on CamBB.xxx and wasn’t really paying attention to what I was clicking on. I was just looking at the model’s faces.
When I saw sharaythompson my jaw hit the floor. She’s absolutely stunning. I was immediately drawn to her. She was wearing a sexy dress and sucking on a dildo. My cock was rock hard and I started jacking off. When she stripped down and revealed the massive meat stick between her legs I almost blew my load all over my keyboard. I was shocked by how aroused I was and found myself hooked. I now enjoy the company of trans models every chance I get. I’ve never considered myself open-minded, but I’m glad I made this mistake.